On return trip for install our techs ran a new audio cable home run to MDF, terminated and certified all network cabling installed by construction team, install new audio paging system and amplifier for Sephora music and paging, connect paging system to phone system, terminate phone to 66 block, reinstall POS registers, reprogram POS terminals for new scope, reinstall access point inside space as required, run Credit card transaction to POS, photograph and report to Kohl’s IT support.

Our team was contracted to Deinstall registers and sound system inside of the existing jewelry and beauty spaces at the Kohl’s locations through out PA, NJ, DE and NY. The project consisted ofg our techs removing and storing the registers, relocating any access points found inside the proposed construction space and removing the existing speakers, splicing audio system cables to insure the stores audio system kept working, and removing and price checker fixtures from construction space. Tagging all existing switch ports in use for the exsiting phones and registers. Photograph the space, MDF and IDF rooms with rack closeups of all panel labels.